We’re Up To Know Good.

Ruffled Feathers

orange and yellow feather

[ ruhf-uhld / fe-t͟hərs ]

: To cause a disturbance; to arouse nervousness, annoyance or concern

Aqua feather

But … a little birdie told me that it ruffles its feathers to assert dominance, regulate its body temperature, and get rid of excess water so it can easily fly. So if a bird ruffles its feathers to stay alive, be healthy, and fly free … what are we so concerned about?

flowy purple and pink feather

Break Free From Your Cage

If you're old enough to have crow's feet, there’s good news: you have already learned to use laughter as a tool to manage the near-constant feeling of impending doom that is late-stage capitalism! (or maybe that’s just us😅)

It’s difficult to carve out time for dream-chasing and hope-making when we are spoon-fed the theory that "the early bird catches the worm.” But I promise you … there are enough worms to go around. Together we can learn and unlearn how cultural and family norms impact our ability to feel joy and discover how centering our needs, wants, and desires facilitate healing and liberation — for ourselves, our family, and the global community.

Open bird cage against a blue sky with two white feathers floating as if a bird escaped
Pink and orange feather floating down
Aqua feather floating down

Get A Bird’s Eye View

Sometimes we’re so obsessed with getting our ducks in a row before trying something new, we end up nearly clipping our own wings. With group classes, courses, facilitation, and coaching, the staff at Ruffled Feathers will challenge old paradigms and offer new lenses so you can:

  • Identify and live by your values

  • Shed patterns, habits, and ideologies that do not serve you 

  • Create a family or work dynamic that helps everyone thrive

  • Participate in more connected and healthy communication

  • Build courage to buck the status quo 

  • Apply realistic strategies to create ease in your day

  • Eliminate feelings of shame or guilt

  • Become a better ally

And most importantly … experience a life filled with joy!

Family hiked to the top of a mountain top, dad has a little girl on her shoulder, mom is carrying a baby in a carrier on her front and she is smiling at her daughter
green feather floating down
Pile of feathers in different colors including aqua, green, pink, purple, blue, and orange

So What Do You Say? Are You Up To Know Good?

Well Knock Me Down With A Feather!

We’re talkin ’bout what now?! At Ruffled Feathers, it’s a part of our mission to normalize discomfort as part of the un/learning process. In addition to life goals, support, and accountability, no subject is taboo. Here, we can explore new ideas and counter-cultures with curiosity and without judgment. Bring any of these topics and more to the table! As Jacques Deval said so eloquently - “God loved birds and invented trees. Man loved birds and invented cages.

Graphic of a head with arrows moving around in it suggesting neuro divergence

ADHD Friendly

Having ADHD doesn't mean everything has to be hard. Sometimes we just need to figure out how to make our home and lifestyle work for us through an actual neurodivergent lens.

graphic, polyamory symbol, sideways infinity symbol in a heart

Ethical Non-Monogamy

Exploring alternative relationship structures doesn’t need to be taboo. Understand common hurdles in various relationship dynamics and learn how to define healthy boundaries.

Graphic, fist in the Black Lives Matter symbol

Owning White Fragility

It’s imperative to examine the inherent benefits of being white in a culture that centers whiteness. It isn't our fault we were born with privilege; it just means we get to use our privilege to help others.

Graphic, doodle of a vulva


By centering desire without shame, we learn life doesn't have to be “all work and no play.” Embracing pleasure gives us inherent permission to fight for radical change and become activists for a more joyful world.

Graphic, mushroom doodle

Psychedelics for Growth

D.A.R.E. taught us to fear 'drugs', but the science is clear—psychedelics can support somatic healing and personal growth if done in a safe environment with an trained support person.

Graphic, holy book with symbols of christianity, islam, and others

Healing From Religion

It’s your right to connect to spirit in a way that allows you to be the best version of yourself. Separating spirit from religion empowers people to embrace what serves them and leave behind what doesn’t.

Graphic, the earth with a heart in front of it

Decolonizing Our Culture

 A fish can't see the water unless it jumps out of its bowl. Though late-stage capitalism - by design - doesn’t serve everyone, we can unlearn the grind, honor rest, and learn to center reciprocity, spirit, beauty, and contentment.

Graphic, two wedding rings that appear split

Thriving After Divorce

Divorce is the death of a marriage. Rest assured that this big change can be a liberating and exciting journey. Be supported through the five stages of grief as well as the possibilities that may currently be beyond your imagination.

Graphic, Parent holding a child, faceless

Non-Punitive Parenting

Discipline does not have to equal punishment. Learn how to talk so kids will listen and listen so kids can talk. Co-create strategies to meet everyone's needs and help kids feel supported.

Graphic, a faceless person helping another person up


Every business has the responsibility to disengage from oppressive ideologies that permeate American work culture. Adopting an equitable lens can lead to more productivity and camaraderie in the workplace.

pink feather
green feather
purple feather

We put our money where our heart is.

We believe living in integrity is the key to a collective liberation we can all celebrate. As a for-profit business, we believe in Sacred Revenue, Reciprocity, and Reparations. As such, 20% of all earnings will go to the Cedarville Band of the Piscataway Indians, Inc (link currently broken) as land tax, or Liberated Capital: A Decolonizing Wealth Fund.