Nicole Bruno

Communications Consulting

Welcome! My name is Nicole, and I am the owner of Ruffled Feathers. In addition to life coaching, I provide consulting and contract work in the field of Communications. Here you will find my design and writing portfolio.

Nicole first identifies as an inquisitive, enthusiastic, and creative soul. She views the world through the lens of being grateful for what she has and being passionate about providing equity and justice for those who don’t have the same privilege. 

Nicole thrives in community environments where there are shared goals — but, more importantly — where there are shared values. Her curiosity gives her the ability to learn in many environments, and her creativity allows her to take that learning and apply it in new and interesting ways, as words, music, and design are all professional playgrounds.

With 15 years of experience working as an entrepreneur, in private business, and in non-profit work, Nicole’s work history doesn’t fit into a box, and that wherein lies her value. Collaborate with Nicole to make your professional goals, business, and vision as beautifully reflective as your passion is — as ‘the things you are passionate about are not random, they are your calling’. - Fabienne Fredrickson

Communications Portfolio

‘Curious and Hard Working People Are Like a Magnet For Opportunities.’
-Nitin Namdeo