Our Flight Plan

We all need to have some idea of where we are going. Check out Ruffled Feathers’ mission, vision, and approach —
and remember, the journey is the destination!

A sunset sky as a backdrop with black silhouettes of people helping one another to climb up a mountain

Our Mission

For the dedicated and value-driven professional, parent, leader, and spirit, Ruffled Feathers provides radical space and permission for people to blossom into their most joyful, liberated, and authentic selves so they too can become luminaries for others’ growth and liberation.

Our Approach

We co-create space with people and organizations to deeply question and explore their values and identify resources and tools that inspire people to problem solve creatively and with purpose. We will normalize the discomfort that will come with growth, and allow for the learning and unlearning needed to let go of shame, stop generational trauma, fortify self-worth, connect authentically, communicate with kindness, question cultural norms, and fight for justice -because living in integrity is the key to a
collective liberation we can all celebrate.

Five feminine presenting people sitting in a circle outside near a lake. One woman has her hand raised and another is pointing at her as if to call on her.

A better world is one that is just; where there is inherent worthiness and dignity for all living things including the earth; where compassion, laughter, reciprocity, and equity are cultural values; and where autonomy is freely given and respected, but does not eclipse the sacredness of the interdependent web of which we are all a part.

Our Vision

An blurred image of a forest with the sun peeking through the trees. In the forefront, two manicured hands are holding the earth that looks as though it is made from glass.