We believe living in integrity is the key to a collective liberation we can all celebrate. As a for-profit business, we believe in Sacred Revenue, a Solidarity Economy, Reciprocity, and Reparations. As such, 20% of all earnings will go to the Cedarville Band of the Piscataway Indians, Inc (link currently broken) as land tax, or Liberated Capital: A Decolonizing Wealth Fund.

Capitalism determines our value and access based on a consumer/commodity model – what is being provided versus what someone can afford to pay. This oppressive system was built on and continues to be exploitative of people based on factors such as race, class, gender identity, ability, neuro-divergence, sexual orientation, immigration status, and more. A solidarity economy is based on a citizens
model – a system where ordinary people play an active role in shaping all of the dimensions of human life. It takes best practices that exist in our present system and uses them to serve the welfare of the community based on shared values, goals, and care for all – not just profit for some.

A sliding scale is used to encourage people to pay an appropriate amount based on their income, personal property, higher education, generational wealth, ability to grow wealth or other economic power, and relative race privilege and/or marginalization. We strive to be anti-capitalist in a capitalist system, value labor practices within a system that values cheap products and devalues 'traditional' feminine labor, and ask our clients to consider and engage with the integrity of the redistribution of wealth.

The visual aid below, based on the old adage of a 'Nest Egg', helps explain the financial privilege and experience we may or may not have. Please use it to determine the level you’re able to invest and support.

An image description is available below.

Solidarity Economy and Sliding Scales

columns with rounded tops, each with a blue sky in the background. It contains text that explains the different sliding scale options. An image description is available below the graphic.

If you fall in the category of ‘Nest Egg’, you should consider our *Redistribution Rate. This rate is 20% higher than the Full Rate category, which is what is listed in most of our pricing. A Full Rate represents the ‘true cost’ that supports our staff fairly and allows us to pay our expenses. Our Solidarity Rate is for individuals and organizations that are just getting by who could benefit from coaching or workshops to better their own lives or the lives of others. Deciding where you fit can build awareness of your economic position and support a Solidarity Economy.

*This model is based off of various resources including Both/And, to which they credit their model to Resource Generation, and Radical History Club.

Image Description: 3 columns with rounded tops, each with a blue sky in the background.

The first column has a photo of a nest with a golden egg. It is labeled ‘I Have A Nest Egg’. Below it is a description in list format. I am comfortably able to meet all of my basic needs. I may have some debt but it does not prohibit attainment of basic needs. I own my home or property OR I rent a higher-end property. I own or lease a car. I am employed or do not need to work to meet my needs. I have regular access to health care. I have access to financial savings. I have an expendable income. I can afford an annual vacation or take time off. I am White or White passing. I do not have a physical, mental, or emotional disability/difficulty. I have received a degree from a college or university. At the bottom of the column, it says ‘Redistribution Rate.’

The second column contains a photo of a nest and is named ‘I Have A Nest.’ Below it is a description in list format. I may stress about meeting my basic needs but still regularly achieve them. I may have some debt but it does not prohibit attainment of basic needs. I own or lease a car. I am employed. I have access to health care. I might have access to financial savings. I have some expendable income. I can take a vacation annually or every few years without a financial burden. I may identify as BIPOC. I may have a physical, mental, or emotional disability/difficulty. I may have credits towards a degree or certificate from a trade school. At the bottom of the column, it says ‘Full Rate.’

The third column contains a photo of a bird holding some hay in its beak. It is labeled ‘Nest Under Construction.’ Below it is a description in list format. I frequently stress about meeting basic needs and don’t always achieve them. I have debt and it sometimes prohibits me from meeting my basic needs. I rent lower-end properties or have unstable housing. I do not have a car/have limited access to a car but not always able to afford gas. I am unemployed or underemployed. I qualify for government assistance including food stamps and/or health care. I have no access to savings. I have no or very limited expendable income. I cannot afford a vacation. I identify with multiple marginalized communities. I have a disability that disrupts participating in common activities. I have a high school diploma or equivalent. At the bottom of the column, it says ‘Solidarity Rate.’