A heading printed in Blue and underlined in yellow that says 'Check Out These Feathers In Our Cap! The exclamation point at the end has three feathers coming out of it. One is blue, one is yellow, and one is purple.

"Nicole helped me see a life outside the confines of an unhappy existence and gave me the courage to change it. She is radically and immersively supportive; I never feel like I am going to slip through the cracks when she is in stewardship of my soul."


"I value Nicole's ability to gently guide one out of a comfort zone into possibilities not before imagined. She understands and respects the fragility of transition, while encouraging small steps to be taken towards new directions. She is intuitive, listens with intent, and celebrates discovery with shared joy."


Pink feather

“Thank you so much for your work on this [white caucus statement]. Your effort clearly demonstrates your commitment to this work, and we are so lucky to have you as part of our team. When I read this draft, much of it feels to me like a great aspirational statement for us to have for ourselves in this anti-racist work."

— Gwen S.

"Nicole is a great leader who has the ability to make people feel heard, valued and respected. I benefited from her leadership and guidance. The knowledge she has of her specialties are deep and vast. Nicole’s creativeness, patience, attention to details and creative vision is astonishing. I am always sure that whatever Nicole puts her mind to is always guaranteed to succeed and thrive."


Teal feather

"I just wanted to reach out and say thank you for being powerful in the conversation."


“What you said about rebirth, reparenting, and learning to feel confident in your values really resonated with me and my own journey - I’m…thankful your raw and honest words gave me time to pause and reflect on my own experiences, too.”

— Jessica S

Blue feather

"Nicole’s willingness to be considerate of others, think “outside-the-box,” and find creative solutions to challenging situations will surely be an asset to your office and your team."

— Emily S