Headshot of Nicole smiling. She is a white woman, age 38, wearing dark rimmed glasses, hoop earrings, and a nose ring. Her eyes are blue and her hair is auburn. The oval frame around her photo is a gentle graphic of yellow leaves.

“Go into the world and do well. But more importantly, go into the world and do good.” - Minor Myers Jr 

Hi, I'm Nicole, the founder of Ruffled Feathers.  

My coaching journey began in 2010 after the birth of my daughter. After years of working in non-profits, I was inspired to become a literal life coach – helping people prepare for the birth of a child and supporting the learning curve that exists when you are thrust into parenthood. I supported hundreds of families in the biggest transition of their lives, and it continues to be one of my greatest honors. After many years of supporting new parents, I realized I too needed to continue my journey toward growth, just as all of those babies were growing into toddlers and children. 

From my childhood through much of my adulthood, I struggled with my mental health, maintaining healthy relationships, loving myself, and setting healthy boundaries (as in...I didn't even know what boundaries were.) In 2018, my husband and I separated, and I was thrown into a new stage of life – and I felt COMPLETELY unprepared. In becoming a single parent and selling my business, I needed to decide if I had any value at all. In that space, I began my own journey of not just self-discovery, but also the reclaiming of myself. 

During this time, I was diagnosed with ADHD, realized I had an anxious attachment style, and needed to learn what it truly meant to practice self-care – and I am not talking about spa days or eating my vegetables. I am talking about deep rest; about self-forgiveness; about being in integrity with my values. I'm talking about looking in the mirror and honoring my body that brought a child into the world, and realizing how society wants women to be small (in all of the ways). I am talking about discovering that my life's work sits squarely in fighting for justice and liberation and that this work can be spiritually (but for me, not religiously) centered. I am talking about challenging social norms and being comfortable ‘ruffling feathers’ in the name of progress and being in integrity. I am talking about learning to build authentic, deep connections with friends and partners, and becoming the parent I needed and wanted when I was young. I am talking about feeling ALIVE. 

Though I went back to school to become a life coach, I know that I don't always need to have 'life' all figured out. Years of education, healing, and connection all contribute to my keen ability to see what lies under the surface of the people I meet. It's my honor and joy to remind you – in the words of my role model, Glennon Doyle – that you are a Goddamn Cheetah

I hope I get a chance to meet you and that we can impact each other's lives for the better.  

With Gratitude,