Classes and Workshops

Below are some of our available workshops,
get inspired to create a custom workshop and really get ‘down’ to business!

Connect With Self

A doodle of a variety of things including a mountain, money, a car, a desk, a house, a tv, an armchair, the sun, and clouds, all drawn in black against a darkish blue/purple background.
  • The "Discovering Your Values" workshop is designed to help individuals gain a deeper understanding of their core values and align their lives accordingly. This engaging workshop provides a safe and supportive space for participants to embark on a journey of self-exploration and personal growth.

    During the workshop, attendees will be guided through a series of interactive exercises and discussions aimed at uncovering their unique set of values. They will learn techniques to explore their beliefs, priorities, and what truly matters to them in various aspects of life, including relationships, career, and personal fulfillment. Participants will gain insights into their values hierarchy, identifying which values hold the most significance in their lives.

    The workshop will explore the impact of values on decision-making, goal-setting, and overall well-being. Participants will learn practical strategies for aligning their actions and choices with their core values, fostering a greater sense of authenticity and fulfillment. They will also discover how to navigate potential conflicts between their values and external influences. They will leave with practical tools and insights to apply in their daily lives, empowering them to make choices that align with their values and bring about meaningful and purposeful outcomes.

Purple satin linen gently bunched together.
  • Have you lost touch with that sexy self? The "Embracing Your Sensuality" workshop is designed to empower individuals to cultivate body positivity and embrace their sensuality with confidence and self-assurance. Attendees will engage in a variety of interactive exercises and discussions aimed at fostering self-love, body acceptance, and reclaiming their innate sensuality. This will include topics such as body image, self-esteem, and societal expectations of beauty as well as challenging negative self-perceptions, embracing individuality, and recognizing the inherent beauty and power within each participant.

    Attendees will be encouraged to embrace vulnerability and support one another in their journey and foster a supportive community where participants can share their experiences, fears, and triumphs and will leave with a greater appreciation for their bodies and practical strategies for embracing their unique beauty. This workshop is open to anyone on the gender spectrum and is focused on self-identity versus relationship dynamics.

A BIPOC feminine presenting person in a prayful stance. There is swirling blues around her suggesting peaceful energy.
  • When was the last time you felt tired and *actually* rested? The "Embodied Awareness" workshop is dedicated to exploring the connection between feelings and bodily sensations for personal growth and self-awareness. Facilitators will guide participants in exploring the sensations and cues that arise in their bodies in response to different emotions and experiences.

    The workshop will provide insights into the mind-body connection, emphasizing the importance of listening to and honoring the wisdom of the body. Participants will learn techniques to identify and interpret bodily cues such as tension, relaxation, butterflies in the stomach, or sensations in specific areas of the body. By understanding these cues, attendees can gain valuable insights into their emotional state and inner needs and will discover how developing a deeper connection with their bodies can support overall well-being and promote personal growth.

    By the end of the workshop, attendees will have gained a heightened sense of body awareness and an enhanced ability to recognize and interpret their body cues for personal growth. They will leave with practical tools for self-reflection, emotional regulation, and navigating personal challenges with greater self-awareness.

A blue/grayscale photo of a long winding road with yellow dashes down the middle of the road. Along the road are trees and in the distance, a sign.
  • Divorce is like a bomb going off in the middle of your life path. What happens next? The "Navigating the Emotional Journey of Divorce" workshop is designed to provide guidance, support, and practical tools for individuals going through a divorce. Led by experienced facilitators, this workshop offers a safe and compassionate space for participants to navigate the emotional challenges of divorce, promote healing, and cultivate curiosity about the future. Facilitators will address common emotions such as grief, loss, anger, and uncertainty, providing strategies for managing these feelings in a healthy and constructive manner.

    Participants will gain insights into their own attachment style and how it influences their emotions, behaviors, and responses during and after a divorce. Understanding attachment styles can help individuals navigate the complexities of separation, develop self-compassion, and foster healthier future relationships.

    Participants will also explore ways to redefine their identity, set new goals, and cultivate resilience in the face of change. They will leave with a sense of empowerment, a renewed sense of self, and a roadmap for navigating the emotional challenges while cultivating resilience for a brighter future. Please note facilitators are not trained counselors. Should serious emotional challenges occur, participants will be provided resources and guidance for seeking professional support.

A child with their hands in front of their face. Their hands are facing out, and covered in finger paints.
  • Do you wait with bated breath for that insoluble shoe to drop, or maybe feel embarrassed when adults are acting silly? The "Embracing Joy" workshop is dedicated to exploring how to have fun as an adult by reconnecting with your inner child, no matter what kind of childhood you had. Attendees will participate in a playful and supportive environment where they can tap into their natural sense of curiosity, creativity, and wonder to cultivate joy and vitality in their lives.

    The workshop will encourage participants to let go of inhibitions, societal expectations, and self-imposed limitations that may hinder their ability to have fun and experience joy as adults. They will learn techniques for incorporating playfulness into their daily lives, whether it be through hobbies, leisure activities, or simply embracing a lighter and more playful mindset. The workshop will provide insights into the positive impact of play on overall well-being, stress reduction, and fostering a sense of fulfillment and connection.

    Participants will gain tools and strategies for nurturing their inner child, setting aside time for playful exploration, the gift of self-compassion, and embracing moments of joy and wonder. They will leave with a renewed appreciation for the importance of fun and play, and a commitment to incorporating these elements into their everyday lives.

Connect With Others

A bee landing on a flower. The flower is purple and has  yellow stamens that the bee is on to gather pollen.
  • Are you avoiding The Talk About Sex? The "Nurturing Convos" series is a supportive and informative place designed to assist families in having meaningful discussions.

    This workshop focuses on introducing 'the birds and the bees', as well as promoting healthy and pleasurable experiences related to intimacy. It will provide a safe and inclusive container for families to navigate these important conversations with openness, respect, and understanding.

    Parents and caregivers will gain practical strategies and age-appropriate approaches to discuss topics such as human sexuality, consent, relationships, and pleasure in an informed and responsible manner. We will discuss effective communication techniques to create a safe space for their children to ask questions, express concerns, and share their own thoughts and experiences and participants will gain insights into how to foster a positive attitude towards sexuality, emphasizing the importance of consent, respect, personal boundaries, and pleasure as a healthy and normal aspect of intimate relationships.

    Whether parents are starting these conversations for the first time or seeking to improve their existing communication, this workshop offers a valuable opportunity to foster healthy family dynamics, promote knowledge, and support the well-being of children and adolescents in matters of intimacy. Please note that faith-based education regarding sexuality will not be discussed.

A graphic of two doodles. One doodle is a head and in the head is two points with a long curvy line from point A to B. The second doodle is a head with a straight, short line between point A and point B.
  • The "Nurturing Convos" series is a supportive and informative place designed to assist families in having meaningful discussions.

    This workshop is designed to explore relationship communication styles and provide practical strategies for working towards solutions. This is a safe and supportive space for individuals and couples to enhance their communication skills, deepen their understanding of relationship dynamics, and foster healthier connections.

    Through practical exercises and real-life scenarios, attendees will explore healthy ways to navigate conflicts, express needs and boundaries, and engage in constructive problem-solving. Facilitators will guide discussions on cultivating empathy, fostering trust, and creating an environment of open and respectful communication. We will delve into various communications tools such as expressing emotions, active listening, non-verbal cues, conflict resolution, and participants will gain tools to identify and overcome communication barriers.

    They will leave with a deeper awareness of their own communication patterns, a toolkit for effective communication, and a renewed commitment to nurturing their relationships.

A pile of full water balloons. They are dark blue, teal, and green. There are two adult hands on one big balloon, and a child's hand near another balloon.
  • Do you feel like you are always in a battle with your kids? The "Nurturing Convos" series is a supportive and informative place designed to assist families in having meaningful discussions.

    The "Empowering Parent-Child Connections" workshop is dedicated to exploring non-punitive parenting approaches and cultivating effective communication skills to foster a supportive and nurturing environment for children.

    Collaborative strategies for meeting everyone's needs will be co-created during the workshop. Attendees will explore techniques for setting clear boundaries, using positive discipline (meaning to teach, not to punish), and finding mutually beneficial solutions that honor both the child's perspective and the parent's responsibilities. Facilitators will provide guidance on nurturing a sense of autonomy, respect, and emotional well-being in children, promoting their healthy development.

    Participants will leave with a deeper understanding of their child's emotional needs and a toolkit for effective parenting. Whether participants are seeking to improve their existing parenting skills, establish more respectful communication with their children, or explore alternative approaches to discipline, this workshop provides invaluable insights, techniques, and strategies to cultivate a nurturing and empowering parent-child relationship.

Connect With Community

A realistic photo of three peaches in a row, serving the purpose of innuendo.
  • Hey- remember how you used to feel passionate before you burned out? The "Joyful Activism" workshop creates a space for participants to explore the transformative power of joy, pleasure, and self-care in sustaining and enhancing their work as activists. Attendees will engage in activities aimed at redefining the narrative around activism and highlighting the significance of finding joy in the pursuit of social justice. Facilitators will guide participants in understanding how pleasure and joy can serve as catalysts for motivation, resilience, and creativity in their activist endeavors.

    The workshop will encourage participants to explore their personal relationships with joy, pleasure, and self-care-recognizing the inherent value of these experiences AND the societal pressures to ignore these needs (and yes, they are needs!). Attendees will explore strategies for integrating pleasure and joy into their activist work, such as celebrating achievements, fostering inclusive and uplifting spaces, and engaging in self-care practices that nourish and replenish their spirits. Facilitators will provide tools and resources for creating joyful activism plans, setting boundaries, and preventing burnout.

    The workshop will also address the interconnectedness of joy and social change, emphasizing the transformative potential of joy in building resilient communities and creating sustainable movements. Participants will be invited to reimagine activism as a space that is inclusive, celebratory, and affirming - amplifying joy as a form of resistance and healing.

Birds in flight, in a line against a sunset background. One bird is flying free of the others, breaking the pattern and the line.
  • What if that thing you really wanted to do you could The "Liberating Map" workshop invites participants to explore practical ways of decolonizing themselves and breaking free from the constraints of capitalism and other social norms. Facilitators will guide participants in critically examining their own beliefs, biases, and behaviors that have been shaped by our family, community, and country culture to identify what things we may want to change in our normal, everyday lives.

    Participants will be provided tools for engaging in critical self-reflection, unlearning dominant narratives, and centering marginalized voices and experiences. Attendees will explore alternative ways of knowing, being, and relating that honor diverse cultural perspectives and challenge the hegemony of mainstream ideologies. Facilitators will discuss concepts such as Pleasure Activism, self-compassion, and embodiment to better understand the practical strategies, resources, and inspiration to embark on their personal decolonization journey. Break free from the confines of cultural cages, and use your growth to support collective liberation.

A tipped over laundry basket that has linens falling out of it. The background is blue and the floor is wooden.
  • We were all born into a system that centers whiteness – it is not your fault, but it IS your responsibility. The "Unpacking White Fragility" workshop delves into the concepts and definitions of bias, cultural programming, white dominant culture, and guilt. Led by experienced facilitators, this workshop provides a safe and inclusive space for participants to explore these sensitive topics, challenge their own biases, and work towards building a more inclusive and equitable society.

    Facilitators will guide participants through an exploration of the concept of microaggressions—subtle, often unintentional forms of discrimination—and their cumulative effects on individuals and communities of color. They will provide tools and strategies for recognizing and addressing microaggressions, emphasizing the importance of active listening, empathy, and respectful dialogue.

    With real-life examples, attendees will gain insights into the ways in which guilt manifests and how it can hinder progress toward social justice and equality. The workshop will explore strategies for engaging in difficult conversations, acknowledging defensiveness and guilt, intention versus impact, and moving past the common discomfort we feel with changing culture to cultivate allyship and actively support marginalized communities for a more inclusive and equitable society.

Consider Something New

An abstract picture that looks like watercolors or an acrylic pour. It is multicolored, but strongly blue and purple with bits of red, pink, and yellow.
  • Want to take a trip? The "Preparing for a Psychedelic Experience" workshop is designed to help individuals approach psychedelic journeys with safety, intention, and personal growth in mind. It will include background on the history and cultural significance of various hallucinogens, how they interact with your body, and an overview of the current scientific studies, risks, and benefits.

    Attendees will learn effective techniques for setting intentions and explore how to align them with their desired outcomes and personal development goals. This workshop will provide insights into creating a safe and supportive environment for a psychedelic journey, covering important aspects such as physical comfort, psychological safety, and the role of trusted guides or sitter. Participants will gain practical strategies to establish an optimal setting conducive to healing, self-reflection, and transformative experiences.

    Additionally, the workshop will address the emotional and psychological aspects of psychedelic experiences. Participants will learn techniques for managing challenging emotions and navigating difficult or overwhelming moments that may arise during the journey. They will explore strategies for integration and grounding post-experience, ensuring that insights and lessons learned are effectively integrated into their daily lives. Please note we are unable to help with sourcing hallucinogens, nor are we encouraging the obtaining and/or use of an illegal substance. Learn more about that here.

  • If you have thought about opening your relationship, you won't want to miss this workshop! The "Exploring Non-Monogamy" workshop is designed to introduce couples to the concept of non-monogamy and provide guidance on navigating the common pitfalls that arise when considering opening a previously monogamous relationship. Facilitators will provide insights into various forms of non-monogamy, including polyamory, open relationships, and ethical non-monogamy, allowing couples to explore which approach resonates with their values and desires.

    The workshop will address common challenges and pitfalls that couples may encounter when deciding to open their marriage. Facilitators will guide discussions on topics such as jealousy, communication, boundaries, trust, attachment styles, security, and ethical considerations. Couples will learn practical strategies for addressing these issues and fostering a healthy and fulfilling non-monogamous dynamic.

    Participants will leave with a clearer sense of their relationship values, a framework for embarking on a consensual non-monogamous journey, and what personal and relationship work is necessary to explore before opening their relationship.

Dried beans forming the shape of a heart. In the heart there is a sideways infinity symbol, which is used for polyamory. The beans appear to be red and blue, and the picture itself is tinted blue.
Photo of a close up view of a stereo with buttons. Above each button is a symbol. The symbols are play/pause, stop, rewind, and fast forward.
  • Does work bleed into home and home bleed into work? The "Pressing Pause" workshop is a supportive and informative session designed to provide strategies and tools for employees working from home to effectively separate work from personal life, promote well-being, and nurture their mental health. During the workshop, attendees will engage in interactive discussions, self-reflection exercises, and practical activities aimed at empowering individuals to set clear boundaries and create a harmonious work-life balance.

    The workshop will emphasize the importance of establishing rituals and routines that signal the transition between work and personal life. Participants will learn strategies for setting boundaries with colleagues, setting realistic expectations, utilizing vacation time for rest and rejuvenation, and exploring how rest allows for more productivity, creativity, and better job satisfaction. Participants will gain awareness of the signs of burnout and stress, and learn strategies for maintaining their mental well-being.

    The "Pressing Pause" workshop is suitable for full or partial remote employees at all levels who are seeking to create healthier boundaries, improve work-life separation, and enhance their overall well-being. Click Here to send this presentation to your boss or HR department! :)