Writing Samples

Below are writing samples representing various disciplines,
including press releases, storytelling, a donor solicitation letter, web copy, and business collaboration.

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Letter To The Editor

Unintended Racism

‘I am writing in response to the article “Unitarian Universalist Church of Annapolis uses Zoom to pick first female ‘settled’ minister,” (The Capital, May 10). As a member of the Unitarian Church of Annapolis, I could not be more thrilled to welcome Rev. Anastassia Zinke to our community. I would be remiss as a member of this organization and this faith if I did not use my voice to share that I believe The Capital missed the mark on sharing the details of this story.’

Year End Giving Letter

Support Fairhaven School’s Tuition Fund

Dear Friend of Fairhaven School, I would like to begin this letter with warm greetings and well wishes. I hope that you and your family are healthy and managing through the COVID-19 pandemic. In late spring of 2020, our Assembly voted to offer ten times the normal tuition assistance for its community. Our top priority was keeping the families who wanted to stay, no matter their financial circumstances in this uncertain economy. We are invested in seeing Fairhaven provide this unique and amazing education to anyone who wishes to attend.’

Story Telling - A Client’s Story

The Phone Call

Sherri had her first daughter while she was still in high school, and had 4 children by age 23. Despite being young, Sherri was determined to take care of her kids. "Having my oldest daughter…it puts you on the right track." She worked various jobs throughout their childhood and discovered she really enjoyed supporting people with intellectual disabilities. She moved up in her career and eventually worked as a Residential Director for families supporting loved ones with intellectual disabilities.

Story - Client Story of Hope

Finding Her First Forever Home

Anisa was in and out of the foster care system growing up. In her home state of North Carolina, she was constantly moving from home to home. Now a mom of four young children, she had little confidence that she could provide anything different for her children, as she has always known a transient life. When she was introduced to Community of Hope, that changed. “Community of Hope gave me a place to stay, and that is how I got closer with my children. That gave me confidence. I feel better able to advocate for my family.”


Voter Suppression and Spiritual Work

Candy and Graham have taken you on a journey. You have traveled with them through our history, perhaps un-learning the false story we grew up hearing, that ‘all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness’. History is not often told through the eyes of the disenfranchised.

Press Release


‘Unitarian Universalist Church of Annapolis uses Zoom to pick first female ‘settled’ minister’

‘Members of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Annapolis selected the Rev. Anastassia Zinke as its new settled minister, the first time a woman has heel the position in the church’s 65 year history. After an 18-month search, the congregation voted 227-2 in a Zoom meeting on May 3, in favor of calling her to the post. It isn’t lost on me that this is a historic moment: you have your first ‘senior’ minister who is African American;…’

Congregational Charge

Congregational Charge

'Rev. Fred gave the charge to the congregation upon the installation of Rev. Anastassia and the blossoming of co-ministers of equal standing with Rev. John. Filling Fred-sized shoes is a big responsibility, so rather than charging us with something new, I chose to lean into what he asked of us through my own lens as a UUCA congregant. Rev. Fred called on us to create a “fear-free zone by means of a fierce, revolutionary love… shaped by the joy of resistance.” You know, just an average request for average people, right?’

Magazine Article

Preparing For A New Baby: How Can A Nanny Help With The Transition?

Congratulations! Your MomBoss is having another baby! No matter if she is going from one child to two, or the fifth to the sixth, each pregnancy, birth, and postpartum experience is unique and different from the last. Bringing home a new little life is always intimidating for parents, but it can also be intimidating for older siblings and care providers. What Will it be like? Will my charge love or hate a new baby? (Continued on page 47)

Story Telling - Client Story of Hope

Light At The End of The Tunnel

Diamond Wilson is an incredibly hard-working mother of five 5 young children. “I love being a mom! When I’m in sad situations, they [my children] help me. To see their little faces is a blessing.” 

Diamond had grown up with unstable housing. “During my childhood, we were in and out of transitional housing, shelters, the whole list. I didn’t know I could do better, and when I grew up, I had the mindset that I could always move. We didn’t have anywhere to go, and I didn’t see light at the end of the tunnel.” 

Business Writing

Care Provider Partnership Letter

To Our Local Providers: My name is Nicole Bruno, and I am the CEO and co-founder of Doulas of Capitol Hill, in partnership with my fabulous COO Emily Smith. Doulas of Capitol Hill is a full-service doula agency that provides personalized birth and postpartum support, education, and community. Our full time, expertly selected doulas are excited to help your clients feel at ease, safe, and empowered as they celebrate becoming a new parent. We provide 100% non-judgmental support with warmth and professionalism and understand our support is in collaboration with you.

Personal Blog Post

Getting Off The Roller Coaster

Trigger Warning- Suicide
Today is National Suicide Prevention Day. Today is the day that people share graphics with quotes that say 'know you are loved' and 'just keep moving forward' and 'it's darkest before the dawn'. We will see the phone number for the Suicide Prevention Line (1-800-273-8255) or the Crisis Text Line (text HOME to 741741). What we may see less of are people sharing their stories. Attempted/Suicide is still associated with so much stigma. Even in death, we blame them- ' if only they had reached out, I would have listened.' 'It is so selfish for them to have done this.' 'What about their family/friends/kids?' Those who attempt, idealize, and survive suicide have stories to tell, and feelings to bare, but are you interested in hearing from them while they are alive?